Titlepage of Lutio Compassos Ballo della Gagliarda




Lutio Compasso
Ballo della Gagliarda

Facsimile of the Italian original with an introduction (in English) by

Barbara Sparti.

60 pp., ISBN 3 931344 00 2;  Price € 19,00

The first printed source (Florence 1560) for the gagliarda contains 166 step combinations.

Review in: Dance Chronicle 22 (2/1997), pp.209–212; Dance Research XIV, 1/1996, pp.89-91.

View titlepage and Contents of the 'Manual' 


Markus Lehner
A Manual of Sixteenth-Century Italian Dance Steps

233 pp., ISBN 3 931344 01 0; currently out of print/new edition in preparation.

A clearly arranged compilation of the steps of all Italian sources (Compasso, Foligno MS, Lupi, Lutij, Caroso, Negri). Synoptic presentation of Caroso's and Negri's descriptions.

Review in: Dance Chronicle 22 (3/1999), pp. 419-428; Concerto 140 (1999), p.18.

View titlepage, Content-page and first page of the manuscript of 'Instruction'




Instruction pour dancer; An anonymous manuscript

Edited and introduced by Angene Feves, Ann Lizbeth Langston, Uwe Schlottermüller, and Eugenia Roucher (all articles in English)

146 pp., ISBN 3 931344 02 9; Price € 33,00

The Instruction was probably written around 1610. In addition to branles, to be found in it are pavaniglia variations and numerous dances for which Praetorius provided the music in his dance collection Terpsichore. The new edition contains the complete French facsimile with transcription, an overview of all the steps, comparisons with other sources, and a survey of German history around 1600.

Review by Regine Astier in: Dance Chronicle 24 (2/2001), pp.223 – 226; Concerto 168 (2001), p.16.

View titlepage and Contents of Paschs 'Anleitung'




Johann Georg Pasch

Anleitung sich bei grossen HERRN Höfen und andern beliebt zu machen
[How to Win Favour with the High and Mighty]

Newly edited and introduced by Uwe Schlottermüller. Abstracts in English and French. Steps translated by Barbara Ravelhofer and Véronique Daniels.

114 pp., ISBN 3 931344 03 7; Price € 26,00

The appendix to Pasch's conduct book from 1659, which is interesting from the point of view of cultural history as well as enjoyable to read, contains six dances with music and step combinations. This (until now) unknown source from the mid-seventeenth century is probably valid not only for the dance culture in Germany, but likewise for Ballet de cours and early French opera.

Review in: Concerto 168 (2001), p.16.



Titelseite, Leseprobe und Nachwort des 'Dialogo del Ballo' anschauen



Rinaldo Corso

Dialogo del Ballo.
Gespräch über den Tanz

übersetzt von Frauke Frey

72 S., ISBN 3 931344 05 3; vergriffen

Rinaldo Corsos 1555 erschienener 'Dialogo del Ballo' ist hier erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung zugänglich. In der vorliegenden Ausgabe werden nebeneinander der deutsche und der italienische Text dieses Dialogs präsentiert, in dem ein Herr seine Gesprächspartnerin von den Qualitäten des Tanzes überzeugt und ihr dessen Herkunft und Geschichte darlegt.

Conference Proceedings
of the Historical Dance Symposia at Burg Rothenfels



Table of contents as pdf-file, Größe: 66,1KB


Morgenröte des Barock. Tanz im 17. Jahrhundert
[Dawn of the Baroque: Dance in the Seventeenth Century]

1. Rothenfelser Tanzsymposion vom 9.-13. Juni 2004.

edited by Uwe Schlottermüller und Maria Richter

284 p., ISBN 3 931344 04 5; out of print

The volume contains all fourteen lectures as well as an article on the Gavotte of the „Instruction pour dancer“ with a possible reconstruction.

As the proceedings are now out of print, you have the possibility to read the lectures now online as pdf-documents. (Please select the title you are interested in by clicking on the title of the Table of Contents )



Titelpage, Table of Contents and further information about the lectures



Vom Schäferidyll zur Revolution. Europäische Tanzkultur im 18. Jahrhundert.
[From Idyll to Revolution. European Danceculture in the 18th century]

Proceedings of the 2nd Dance-Symposion, Rothenfels, May 2008

edited by Uwe Schlottermüller, Howard Weiner and Maria Richter

287 p., ISBN 978 3 931344 06 1; out of print

All (sixteen) lectures included as well as introductions in English and German to the short performances, dance evenings and workshops held on the symposion.

Since the proceedings are out of print, you have now the possibility to read the essays online. (Please click on a title here in the Table of Contents )



Ins  Inhaltsverzeichnis schauen



'All´ungaresca - al español'. Die Vielfalt der europäischen Tanzkultur 1420 - 1820

Proceedings of the 3rd Dance-Symposion, Rothenfels, June 2012

edited by Uwe Schlottermüller, Howard Weiner and Maria Richter

275 p., ISBN 978 3 931344 08 5; out of print

All lectures included, as well as introductory notes in English and German to the short performances, dance evenings and workshops held on the symposion.

The third volume of the Conference proceedings is also out of print now. To read the articles of the Symposion of 2012 online, look in this Table of Contents





'Italien und der Tanz' - Tanz in Italien, italienischer Tanz in Europa, 1400 - 1900
Für Barbara Sparti (1932 - 2013)

['Italy and the Dance' - Dance in Italy, Italian Dance in Europe, 1400 - 1900,
for Barbara Sparti (1932 - 2013)]

Proceedings of the 4th Dance-Symposion, Rothenfels, June 2016.

edited by Uwe Schlottermüller, Howard Weiner and Maria Richter

306 p., ISBN 978 3 931344 10 8; € 28.-

Texts of all Symposium lectures and posters with German and English summaries.



Titelpage and Table of Contents



'Der Ball. Geselligkeit - Macht - Politik. 1600 - 1900

Proceedings of the 5th Dance-Symposion, Rothenfels, June 2022.

edited by Uwe Schlottermüller, Howard Weiner and Maria Richter

289 p., ISBN 978 3 931344 12 2; € 30.-

Texts of all Symposium lectures and posters with German and English summaries.

(for further information about the historical dance symposia see their Homepage)

Freiburger Hefte zur Tanzgeschichte
- Freiburg Booklets on Dance History



Have a look at the first page containing the complete title and at one of the dances



Adam Wolfgang Winterschmid
Kurze und leichte Anweisung, die Compagnie-Tänze in die Choregraphie zu setzen …, Altdorf 1758.
(= Freiburger Hefte zur Tanzgeschichte, Bd.1), Faksimile, Freiburg 2008.

30 p., ISBN 978 3 931344 07 8; € 17.-

The original booklet of A.W.Winterschmid has 56 pages and contains six dances. Five of them are with music, description and choreographical sketches: "Rigodon", "Der Prager Student" [the Student of Prague], "Das Bauernmädgen" [The farmer's maid], "Carillon", "Wiener Bauernbub" [The Farmer Boy of Vienna], "Neu figurirte Polonaise" (this one only with a choreographical drawing)



Have a look at the first page containing the complete title and at one of the dances



Korrigierte Fassung von / Corrected version by
Jadwiga Nowaczek

(= Freiburger Hefte zur Tanzgeschichte, Bd.2), Freiburg 2016.

53 S., ISBN 978 3 931344 11 5; € 22.-

L'Ammazzone, an anonymous choreography from the first third of the 18th century, is the only known italian dance for the stage so far. und als solcher von großem Interesse für die Tanz- und Theatergeschichte. (s. auch Gloria Giordanos Besprechung des Manuskripts im 2. Tagungsband )
Das in fehlerhafter Beauchamps-Feuillet-Notation überlieferte Werk wird hier von Jadwiga Nowaczek in einer korrigierten Version vorgestellt.




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